Contact Lens Care
Contact Lens Care
There is so much that the health of your eyes can tell you about your overall health. Unfortunately, it is not something many people think about, let alone actively keep up with. Vision and eye care is not something that should be taken lightly. You wouldn’t ignore it if you caught a bad cold and eyesight should be treated in the same exact way. If you already wear contacts or glasses, then you’ve probably already been lectured on this by your optometrist but this list is especially important for contact lens wearers. You need to know about contact lens safety and how it affects you.
Taking care of your contact lenses is just as important as your own eye health and knowing about contacts safety is part of maintaining your contact lenses. Otherwise, you could risk an infection in your eye or other vision complications. Keep reading to learn more about contact lens safety and tips for how to keep your eyes healthy.
Clean Your Contacts Properly
You might think that you’re cleaning your contacts properly but a recent study by ophthalmology clinical professor Dr. Dwight Cavanagh at UT Southwestern Medical Center discovered that only 2% of the 400 contact lens wearers he surveyed actually were cleaning their contacts properly, while the rest were all at high risk of infection or other vision health issues.
So, what’s the right way to clean your contacts? Here are a few tips to get you started on the right path:
- The survey discovered that most people “top off” their contact lens solution. This means instead of cleaning out the contact lens case and using new solution, most people tend to pour in new solution on top of old solution in order to fill it up quickly and clean their contacts. This can lead to bacteria mixing in with the newer, clean solution that was poured in from the previously used solution. This can lead to that same bacteria going straight into your eyes.
- If you happen to be out of contact lens solution, don’t try to substitute with something else! It might be common sense, but another survey by Bausch & Lomb discovered that some people will use alternatives to eye solution instead of contact solution from their eye doctor or vision shop. Of course, anything other than contact lens solution is going to cause problems with both your eyes and your contacts.
- Try to disinfect your contact lenses at least every day for the best in contact lens safety. This means more than just cleaning them off and putting them in. Doing a full disinfecting routine at least daily means the healthiest eyes you can have as well as having your contacts last longer. Speaking of, also try to avoid swimming or showering with your contacts as this can lead to bacteria and fungus to start forming on them.
- Don’t forget about your actual contacts case! This also needs to be cleaned and disinfected properly or you’ll still have to deal with possible bacterial infections or fungus residing within the case and getting on your contacts. Cleaning out your case can be a weekly task, but ideally it should be done daily along with disinfecting your contacts and switching out your solution.
- Dailies contact lenses are a great option to consider if you struggle with properly keeping your contacts clean. They are the healthiest contact lense option because you throw them out at the end of the day and start fresh every morning, eliminating the need to clean them.
Never Sleep In Your Contacts
While some types of contact lens companies promise in their advertisements that you can sleep in their contacts without having to worry about problems when you wake up, vision experts still advise that you don’t sleep in your lenses. While contact lens technology has certainly changed over the years and has even improved, you’re still limiting the oxygen flow to your eyes and that can cause irritation and eye pain when you wake up. Not to mention sleeping in your contacts can lead to wearing them out faster and having to replace them sooner.
Always Have Backup Glasses
Sure, you have your contacts, but do you have any backup plans if you suddenly lose a contact or even ruin your current set by accident? That’s why it is good to have a backup pair of glasses just in case otherwise, you won’t be able to see and will have to wait for new contacts to come in. Having backup contacts is another option but having a pair of glasses that can last you a couple years is a much better option during those “what if” scenarios. (And they happen more often than you think!)
There are other do’s and don’ts to your contact lenses but these so happen to be the most common in terms of the best contact lens safety you can guarantee for your health. Your contacts are important because they help you see every single day, so why neglect them or not use the proper safety tips to ensure they last as long as possible?
If you’re looking to get contacts, you should also consider the types of lenses out there and which type will be ideal for you. Finding the right contacts and other professional vision services can be completed at VAL-Uvision. Don’t hesitate to contact us and get the best professional visions services without the big ticket price.
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