Our Locations

  • Mandarin
    9397 San Jose Blvd #2
    Jacksonville, FL 32257
    Phone: 904-730-2299
  • Regency Park
    9400 Atlantic Blvd #62
    Jacksonville, FL 32225
    Phone: 904-721-7700
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Visiting Our Jacksonville Eye Doctor at VAL-Uvision: What To Expect

It’s natural to be concerned about visiting an eye doctor, but we can assure you there is nothing to worry about. Whether you’re coming to see us for your own sake or that of one of your family member’s we approach each and every visit with the tailored customer service our patients have come to expect from us. At VAL-Uvision, you are a valuable member of our family, and we strive to make every appointment a breeze.

Woman giving residents of Jacksonville eye glasses

What to Expect When Visiting a Jacksonville Optometrist

When you visit a Jacksonville optometrist at one of our three locations, you will find more than friendly service and willing partners in your family’s eye care. You will also find a knowledgeable professional waiting to help you find the best possible vision solutions for you and your entire family.

The first thing our Jacksonville optometrist will likely do when you arrive at our office is have the front desk staff help you fill out any necessary paperwork before bringing you back. There, your doctor or an assistant will take your medical history and ask about any previous eye conditions or troubles you may have had, as well as any prescriptions. It’s important for us to know everything we can about your eye health history so we can prescribe the best possible course of treatment moving forward.

Common Tests at Our Jax Eye Doctor Optometry Visit

Many people are concerned about whether their eye doctor visits will be scary or painful, especially children. The answer is no. The scariest test is the air puff test, more properly referred to as the non-contact tonometry, or NCT. This directs a puff of air at your open eye to measure the pressure of your eyeball, and is completely painless.

Other common tests include the visual acuity test (think the black letters and numbers of decreasing size) and the color blindness test, the cover test to check eye alignment, eye movement and depth perception tests, and the retinoscopy test to help determine which lens prescription will be most effective in treating any visual deficiencies you might have.

Your Trusted Eye Doctor in Jacksonville

If you’re looking for an eye doctor in Jacksonville, look no further. We are delighted to provide top-notch service for all our patients here at VAL-Uvision. We have more than four decades of experience and are one of the leading eye and vision care providers in the Jacksonville area. We provide vision tests, prescriptions, lenses and contacts, treatments for various eye conditions and disease, pre- and post-operative care and more.

When you’re ready to make an appointment with an eye doctor in Jacksonville, get in touch with VAL-Uvision. Contact our San Jose Boulevard (Mandarin) Location or our Atlantic Boulevard (Regency Park) Location in Arlington.  You can also reach out through our website if you prefer. Whatever you choose, don’t wait. It’s time to take charge of your vision today.

Schedule An Eye Exam Today! Call or Book Online.

REGENCY PARK: 904-721-7700
MANDARIN: 904-730-2299

Optometrist Jacksonville FL